Become a sponsor today!


  • One table for eight (8) guests with preferential seating
  • Pre-registration at the event with express check in and check out
  • Prominent sponsor/donor signage at the event
  • VIP wine served at your table
  • Verbal recognition at the event
  • Link from the gala website to the sponsor's website
  • Display of logo/name on screen during event
  • Recognition in annual report, newsletter, and website
  • Recognition on all social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram


  • One table for eight (8) guests with preferential seating
  • Prominent sponsor/donor signage at the event
  • Verbal recognition at the event
  • Display of logo/name on screen during event
  • Recognition in annual report, newsletter, and website
  • Recognition on all social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram


  • One table for eight (8) guests
  • Sponsor/donor signage at the event
  • Verbal recognition at the event
  • Recognition in annual report, newsletter, and website
  • Recognition on all social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram


  • One table for eight (8) guests
  • Sponsor/donor signage at the event
  • Listing in event program
  • Recognition on website
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

$15,000 - Sponsorship (8 included) $0.00

$10,000 - Sponsorship (8 included) $0.00

$5,000 - Sponsorship (8 included) $0.00

$3,000 - Sponsorship (8 included) $0.00

I would like to make a donation
